PCSX2 0.95
PCSX2 is a PS2 emulator for Windows XP, Vista and Linux . PCSX2 has a good compatibility with playstation games. PCSX2 supports English (default), Spanish, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), SwedishGerman, Dutch, Greek, and Turkish. You will need a powerfull PC to run this at a decent speed so prepare at least a Pentium 4, 512MB RAM and Windows XP. PCSX2 is currently best Playstation 2 emulator and so it is highly recommended.
Recommendation for Pentium Dual Core owners:
If you own a Pentium D, go to Config -> CPU and check Multi threaded GS mode (MTGS) and Dual Core Mode (DC) for better performance
PCSX2 Features:
- Good emulation speed.
- PS2 Save states.
- Full screen gameplay.
- Full sound support on PC.
- DirectX Joystick support.
- JPG screenshots capture.
- BMP screenshots capture.
- Memory card support
(check folder memcards).
- Multi-language.
- Load multi-disc games
- Updates Online
- Multiplayer support
- the first working (still in beta) PS2 Emulator
for PC
...the beginning
In the beginning of August, I read the DVD of ISO
with my PC ( I really love this game ) and I found a
file - don't remember exactly the name - wich contain
the source in assembler of the game. I started to study
this file. I cleaned some comment. I started to write a
interpreter in REBOL - a great very easy language but
very slow - .
To go faster, I rewrite the
interperter in C. This program read each line and
interprete the opcode already dissambler. After some
succes , I decide to rewrite the entire interprter with
a dissambler. I restart from scratch 2 or 3 times
because of bad initial solutions. I chose QNX because
the help is VERY well done. Finally I made an
interprter wich seems to run. nSX2 was
The new generation of PlayStation 3 USB Jailbreak Mod-Chips for playing copied PS3 isos from the internal hdd or an external USB Hard Drive. PS3 Backup Manager tool. PS3HUB with built in USB-hub for connecting external Hard Drives and not taling up extra ports on the PS3. No need to unplug.

...the emu
I decide to release this emu under the GNU
license. I try to make a portable emulator. I
want to create a community of people who can help me in
developing this emu. If you see the source, I use
only standard C for better compatibility with other
OS. I chose gcc and the SDL lib for the same
I'm trying to make a
clean code ( and sometimes commented ) so if you make
change try to comment your changes.
If you are very
interested in developing this emu and if you don't
understand what I did, mail me I'll try to
For info, French is my natural language.
I have a
work so I can't spend all my time on this emu but all my
free time is for this project.
You can read an
interview of me Here done by Ben-J of
You can contact me : [email protected]
WIP Gui Win 32 API
Update Myth 01/04/2003
@ 11:20 |
Another wip update,we've been working
lately on windows api gui for next
release,and it progressing nicely ,as u
can see on this shot :)
for all people wondering how to run
isos with nsx2 0.7,here is small and
simple guide.
Download Guide
Posted By Myth |
SIF Plugin Update Shadowpri 21/03/2003
@ 22:15 |
This time it's update to SIF plugin for
NSX2 and other PS2 emulators.
Download binary
Download source
- Added support for newly released CDVD
plugins,Xeven and Moby.
Just put them in the /plugin folder .
- Fixed things here and there.
not least,Happy Birthday to shadow
and florin (authors of pcsx2) :)
I updated links with new version 0.03,read
_ReadMe.txt for whats new.
Posted By Shadowpri |
NeutrinoSX 0.07
Release Shadowpri 16/03/2003
@ 23:00 |
A lot of things have been added to
this release ( for a complete list
, see the Readme.txt ),
the most important , nsx2 begin to emulate
the micromode and the macromode of the
Ah yes , if you want to try ISO , you have
to extract ( manually ) the .elf before
the ISO.
If you don't understand nothing up to this
sentence, don't even try to mail us :)
We promise do better things in the Future.
Want to talk about the Future ?
We decided to take some time for the next
release .
We decided to focus on unimplemented opcodes,
and missing parts of the emulator and
prolly use the Win32 API for the GUI.
Thanks to my team.
Thanks to all other people who contact
us and help us.
Important: for running 0.07 you need to download
gtk runtime on this link
Source PSP Emulator .
Win32 Binary
WIP shots update by Shadowpri 10/03/2003
@ 22:30 |

Firsts commercial
games start to work on Nsx2 ! Those shots
are loading screens of infamous Mortal
Kombat 5 and Blade 2 . Expect new release
of Nsx2 soon :) Posted
By Shadowpri |
WIP shots update by Shadowpri 17/02/2003
@ 10:05 |

More demos works , here is nice shots from JOMommaz
demo using Gstaris OpenGL plugin . We will
update you with news and shots about progress
each week hopefully ,untill release of
new version sometime next month :).
We need help
in porting Nsx2 to Linux and other
Os's.If you're intrested in porting
it,don't hesitate to contact us.
Posted By Shadowpri |
neutrinoSX 0.06 released by muad le
06/02/2003 @ 10:35 |
I want to say a big thanks to [Myth]
for creating new site design & that
will now be the webmaster of nSX2 Website.
I also want to thank Shadow
Prince for helping out thanks :)
0.06 info: More than 30 PS2 Demos working
For full list of changes go to history page
or view readme in the archive.
Important: for running 0.06 you need to
download gtk runtime on this link
SeeYa |
Happy New Year & v0.05 by muad le 02/01/2003 @ 10:10 |
About nSX2 0.04, KarLKoX send
me the linux version (screenshot
,src and bin).
I decide to release the v0.05 PS2 chips.
It is a GTK version Work In Progress. I
didn't use the SDL. For Win32 user , you
must download the GTK runtime (see Readme.txt)
With this version, you can use the GS pluggins.
(tested with GSsoftdx and GStaris )
Thanks Absolute0 for sending me
some betas pluggin. (see screenshots section)
If you want some demos for testing purpose
go to http://www.consollection.com/index.php?rub=roms and
download the
'Sony Playstation 2' archive.
It 's a french site with a lot of public
domain roms ( Hi Ben-J )
I need a web master. I can't update my
site, coding, answering mail, post
messages on message board.
I know some people send me stuff and idea.I
thanks all this people.
I really need You now PS2 mods.
SeeYou |
neutrinoSX 0.04 released by muad le
27/11/2002 @ 14:47 |
In this
release, I fix some errors but the
main improvement is the speed. ( see
the readme in archive for details ).
Go to the download section for ...euh download.
I have some people to thanks.
First, M."Fxtech" P who send me
very important docs and files ( without
nothing possible ).
And Claus Windeler for the BeOS
version of nSX2 0.03 .
Thanks Again to these guys and all other.
You can
post comments/ideas on this Message Board.
SeeYa |
neutrinoSX2 v0.03 released by muad le
14/10/2002 @ 14:45 |
-Internal Plugin GS 0.4 by the PCSX2 team
-some FPU opcodes
-some opcodes
-Stupid Bug in SLT
-Stupid Bug in ( bad read of
elf file )
-first release with a mini GUI : It's a
simple GUI with partial user interaction.
--F1 : Pause the Emu
--F2 : Resume the Emu
--F3 : Display Debug Info
-Replace the INIAPI by INIPARSER

A+ |
So... by muad le
27/09/2002 @ 15:10 |
As you
can see, I update this site.
What about the emu ?
I currently working on the Bios file. I
need time to understand it.
I would thanks the guys who send me some
greats infos.
You can read an interview of me here done by Ben-J of Consollection.
Ah yes a new screenshots of the unrealeased
version of nSX2 here.
stay tuned... |
update : Technical documentation by muad le
10/09/2002 @ 09:00 |
people ask me , the nSX2 documentation. Here it is.
It's all I have.
But If someone has a document I don't have,
please send me.
The PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 iSO filescan be copied and transferred to computer discs to allow practical storage. The iso discs are useful in case the original game disc has been damaged. Using the disc with the iso image, the game can be played in the actual Xbox console. People can download the Xbox games posted in the internet and convert them as iso files. This would allow people to enjoy the Xbox games on a Xbox360 emulator without spending too much money to buy original discs.
neutrinoSX2 v0.02 by muad le
09/09/2002 @ 09:00 |
No major
changes, the purpose of this release
is to propose a safe base to work.
( see README-NSX2.txt for more details
Added a new file : HOW_IT_WORKS.txt which
explain how works this emu.
Site update by muad le
02/09/2002 @ 09:00 |
thanks to all people who writing me.
I redo the site. Now it's more usable.
A beos version is available here and the screenshots are here.
(thanks bulln-bulln)
Read the "about..." section for more info
about this emu. |